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Without a Huge Success, the Democrats Will Suffer in Both 2022 and 2024
I’m going to do a little time traveling to the past, to a period of time when a fresh Barack Obama was first running for president. We had just completed a two-term presidency of George W. Bush, and much of the left side of the aisle was looking for something big, something transitory that would change everything.
When I first started hearing about Obama, it was from a young college student who had just read his book and was convinced that this was the man who was going to change America. During this period, there was a lot of conversation about how America was on the wrong path, and that we needed someone with a transitional approach to make a future difference. And then he was elected.
And then during Obama’s Administration, there was still a clamor for change in the air, which culminated in the Occupy Wall Street movement, which advocated for taking back the reins of economic power from the big wigs, transforming power back to the little people.
And as expected, nothing happened. During this time, there was a call for forgiving student loans, fixing prescription drug prices, stopping wars for profit, feeding the poor, providing adequate housing for all, and any number of other issues that were designed to make life better for those who were struggling along.