Whenever you create a government based on one class of people being put in charge over everyone else, you are setting up the stage to be oppressive to some group of people. History is filled with examples of that, and by trying to turn the tables on which side is in charge doesn't generally lead to enlightenment and prosperity; it just changes the hands of the people who now do the oppressing.
I've been part of organizations that attempted to "turn the tables" on gender imbalance by moving the pendulum to the other side, and in almost every case the outcome had negative elements that most people had no perceived (i.e., disorganization, discrimination, bizarre power dynamics and weird jealousy triangles). But quite often, these problems were not because of gender, but because as individuals, people can be pretty crappy when given power over other people, regardless of gender.
In the few limited successes I've seen, they've been more focused on the actors involved (some exhibiting great leadership) because the individual involved was socially aware of what makes a group work well rather than what that person could achieve as a result of being the leader of such a dynamic. Most often these types of groups fail because one or a few people focused on themselves rather than on the group itself.