Member-only story
This New Technology is Going To Change the World
With the advent of current-day technology, I’d come to the conclusion that we’ve come about as far as we’re ever going to come. I have a smartphone that tells me the wrong time in 24 different time zones, a car that I can start by pressing a button, which drives until it runs out of this black liquid stuff that it came with when I bought it, and a television that has a list of channels that goes all the way to 12. 2020 has completely driven us insane with its technological marvels.
But it was today that I heard about this new innovation that is going to change computer technology in ways we never imagined. No longer will you be required to have to use your Xbox or Playstation console, or that archaic Google Stadia thing. Up until now, you’ve been limited to whatever cartridges you had on you, although if you paid extra you might get the Xbox device with the metal coaster tray, but that was about as technological as things were going to get.
Today, it turns out, the manufactures at International Business Machines (they really need to find an abbreviation for that one day) have invented a device that lets you store both ones and zeros on a piece of plastic, which their in-house scientists have named a “floppy disk.” No longer do you have to keep all of your information in the ROM of your system (the short term memory), but now you can…