This is probably why I avoid getting into any serious relationship (or even one that could lead to children). Unlike most men who jump in with a coupling because they don't want to remain alone, I realized a long time ago that I'd make a lousy husband. I don't mean that I'd be abusive or negative in any way, but I'd just rather focus on myself and making myself better for me and my life. I don't like arguing with people when they are dogmatic about getting their own way, but a relationship requires that, or compliance (sometimes pretended to be compromise). The worst feeling I can imagine is to have a woman dedicate her life to being with me and then failing her completely. I don't really have any self-esteem issues, but almost every time I have been involved in a relationship, I've secretly felt she deserved better than what I had to offer and then decided she would be better with others who were anxious to get into her inner circle. As there aren't women breaking down my door to get into my life, I don't think anyone has been bothered all that much by my decisions.