Part of the origin of this problem is that in today's era, women, both famous and unknown, compete for social clout over networks like Instagram that often provide nothing but likes for validation because validation is essentially what they're seeking. It's sort of its own currency.
The reason men's magazines (where men appear) don't really do this that much is because that sort of clout is different for men. Men want to be seen as successful, whereas way too many women want to be seen as sexy (as well as successful, although they'll take sexy first in hopes that it leads to successful as a byproduct).
Saying men are trash, believing it to be the reason, is incomplete. Societal standards have been developed by both men and women to a point where the average person has zero say so in the dynamic. Men buy the products of this ridiculousness because they've been bred to believe it's what they should crave while women have been bred to believe that they need to aspire to achieve these industry standards in order to be socially acceptable to the rest of society.
We've all become a byproduct of capitalistic sexualization but we're all so locked into the expectations that we couldn't stop it if we tried.